Can I Be Reimbursed For Lost Wages?

Did a car accident leave you with injuries that have caused you to miss work? If so, you might be wondering if the at-fault driver is required to reimburse you for lost wages. The answer to this question is usually yes, but there are some things you need to know first.

This article goes more in-depth to answer the question, “Can I be reimbursed for lost wages after a car accident?”.

Proving Lost Income in a Personal Injury Claim

To be reimbursed for lost wages, the reason you’re calling out must be directly related to the injuries you sustained in the accident. Though this might seem like common sense, there are some steps you’ll have to take to prove that you are entitled to be reimbursed for lost wages.

Forms of proof that may be used to get reimbursed include the following:

  • A note from your doctor that documents your injuries and cites the accident as their cause
  • Evidence that your injury is preventing you from working

It’s possible that your physician will “clear” you to go back to work but prescribe “light duty” or different assignments. If these alternatives cannot be accommodated by your employer, you could still be eligible for lost wages reimbursement.

Wages That May Be Reimbursed

In many cases, the wages you’re losing are more than just your hourly pay. Depending on the situation and how your employer has allocated your compensation, you may be eligible for reimbursement for the following:

  • Base hourly pay or salary
  • Overtime pay
  • Comp time or other bonus PTO
  • Performance-based commissions that you habitually receive
  • Scheduled pay increases
  • Benefits you are missing out on
  • Retirement fund or pension contributions
  • Reduced earning capacity

If you are fortunate enough to have a bank of sick days and vacation days, you can potentially use these to maintain a steady paycheck and avoid harming your working relationship with your employer while you recover.

What If I’m Self-Employed?

Even if you’re not on salary from an employer, you can still be compensated for lost earnings. The only difference is that you may have to prove your compensation through other means than paystubs.

Again, how you structure your compensation will influence how much money you can get and the required proof of documentation. Typically, tax returns, profit and loss statements, or accounting documentation can serve to prove how much you are owed.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Today

A primary concern accident victims have is paying their medical bills, but lost wages can also be significant.

For help avoiding a lowball settlement, contact Jackson & Foster Law at 251-433-6699 for a free consultation.

Contact us for an evaluation of your case today.