Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Mobile, AL

If you suspect elder abuse against your loved one at an Alabama assisted living facility, you may be unsure what steps to take. You may also consider contacting our nursing home abuse lawyers in Mobile, AL.

At Jackson & Foster Law, our personal injury lawyers in Mobile, AL, will take steps to investigate the alleged abuse. We may seek to hold the abusers accountable for their actions through a personal injury lawsuit. Our investigations and actions are separate from any criminal actions that law enforcement may bring against the abusers.

How Our Mobile, AL, Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Can Help You

You and your loved one at the rest home may have a financial loss related to the abuse. You might have medical bills to pay related to the treatment of the injuries from the abuse. Your loved one could also seek a financial award related to pain and suffering.

Our nursing home abuse lawyers in Mobile, AL, will investigate the abusive situation to look for evidence. 

We use our experience in cases similar to yours to negotiate with the insurance company or file a lawsuit. We can take your case to trial if we cannot reach a fair financial settlement through negotiations.

How Do I Know If My Loved One Is Suffering Abuse at a Nursing Home?

Nursing home abuse cases can be challenging to prove. Residents might not want to report the abuse to family members because of embarrassment. The abuser may scare residents so badly that they lie to protect the abuser. Some residents may struggle to remember things or suffer from diseases like Alzheimer’s, so they aren’t sure what happened. 

You need to stand up for your loved one who is a resident of the nursing home. You can help by looking out for the following signs of abuse:

  • Physical trauma: If your loved one has bruises, cuts, and fractures, these could be signs of abuse. If your loved one tells you that a fall led to a bruise, but the location of the bruise is not consistent with a fall, be suspicious.
  • Emotional trauma: If your loved one suddenly stops enjoying their favorite activities or withdraws from friends at the rest home, this might be a sign of emotional abuse. Your loved one may start showing fear around a certain staff member or fellow residents, which could indicate emotional abuse.
  • Bedsores: If your loved one has sores and open wounds that don’t seem to be improving, these could be a sign of abuse. Nursing home staff need to recognize the presence of bedsores immediately and take steps to treat them. Finding bedsores might indicate that staff members are not caring for your loved one properly.
  • Dehydration and malnutrition: If your loved one is not eating and drinking normally, it could indicate a lack of care from staff members. Additionally, abusive staff members might withhold food or water as punishment. 
  • Soiled clothing: If your loved one has regularly soiled or torn clothing, this might be a sign of abuse. Staff members may not be helping your loved one change clothes regularly.

Remember, abuse doesn’t only come from staff members. It could involve fellow residents or visitors to the property. Regardless of who is performing the abuse, the nursing home administration has a responsibility to keep your loved one safe on its property.

You should take any report of abuse from your loved one seriously. Speak with representatives of the administration about it and gauge their response. Watch closely for additional signs of potential elder abuse. 

Trust Jackson & Foster Law for Help With Nursing Home Abuse

When your loved one suffers emotional or physical abuse as a nursing home resident, you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit. At Jackson & Foster Law, we help clients in multiple personal injury practice areas, including car accidents, wrongful death accidents, and nursing home abuse cases.

When you are ready to take legal action after seeing signs of abuse, trust our nursing home abuse lawyers in Mobile, AL, to protect your rights. For a free and confidential case review, call us today at 251-433-6699.

Getting You The Results You Need

We will get you the payout you’re entitled to at the lowest price possible