How To Respond to a Low Settlement Offer in Mobile, AL

If you have been injured in an accident, you know how life-changing it can be. Medical care is often prohibitively expensive, from hospital fees and doctor’s visits to rehabilitative services. Sometimes, injuries prevent you from working, resulting in lost wages. 

Ideally, a settlement offer from an insurance company should mitigate this financial strain. However, you may receive a low settlement offer that doesn’t cover the extent of the expenses. If you don’t know how to respond to a low settlement offer, a personal injury lawyer in Mobile, AL, can help support you. Call Jackson & Foster to learn more today.

Personal Injury and Settlements

Personal injury lawsuits focus on the physical and mental suffering endured by a person due to someone else’s action or negligence. If this sounds like your scenario, you may be able to pursue a claim from the other party’s insurance. Examples of personal injury include:

  • Car accidents
  • Construction accidents
  • Product defects
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • Animal attacks and bites

Often, an injured person will seek a personal injury settlement from the other party to cover the costs associated with the injury. This usually means dealing with insurance companies; for example, homeowner’s insurance may cover dog bites that occur on someone’s home property, while auto insurance typically covers injuries resulting from car accidents.

Unfortunately, an insurance company may try to cover as little as possible. Many injured people receive a lowball settlement offer from an insurance company after they file a claim. This can be very discouraging and frustrating, but there are steps you can take to advocate for a more comprehensive settlement that will cover the extent of your injuries.

Steps To Take After a Low Offer

If you get a low offer, it is crucial to remain calm. It may be tempting to respond from an emotional place, especially if you do not know how to respond to a low settlement offer. However, we recommend taking your time, being careful, and, if necessary, contacting an experienced legal team for help. 

Carefully Read the Offer

Once you are sure you can respond thoughtfully and calmly, carefully read the notice from the insurance company. Many personal injury cases are complicated, so look at every detail of their offer. You may find that for some expenses, their offer is reasonable and fair, but not for others. Clarifying what you object to ensures you spend your time productively. 

Understanding the insurance company’s offer also puts you in a good position to negotiate — arguing effectively against something you don’t understand is hard.

Determine the Value

Before making a counteroffer, take a good look at all the expenses you have incurred due to your injury. Documenting and determining the value of any damages you have suffered will help you be clear and precise. You probably have economic and non-economic damages; you can determine the value of both.

Economic Damages

Economic damages encompass all financial expenses and are typically easy to value with receipts. Bills from doctor’s visits can help prove the expenses associated with your injury. You can ask your employer for a letter that documents the financial cost of any time you had to take off due to an injury, including lost wages and any sick or vacation time you had to use to recover.

Non-Economic Damages

Some expenses won’t have receipts in the same way a doctor’s bill will. One example is “pain and suffering.” If you suffered a lot of physical pain from an accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Medical records that detail the extent of your injuries can help prove these damages.

Make a Counteroffer

It is in your best interest to document your counteroffer in writing and send it to the insurance claims adjuster. Be as factual as you can, avoiding emotional language. Explain why you are rejecting the settlement offer and what you will accept instead.

Making a counteroffer does not guarantee receiving what you ask for, though it does clarify your position. It also allows you to refute the insurance company’s offer point by point. 

Wait Until You Have Recovered

Our team recommends waiting until you recover from your injury before beginning settlement negotiations. The recovery process often comes with unexpected setbacks; your initial injury may have caused a domino effect, resulting in several injuries that all need treatment. Waiting until you have a complete picture of your injuries allows you to make an informed counteroffer.

Contact a Lawyer

A personal injury lawyer has experience dealing with insurance companies and negotiating settlements. Contacting an experienced lawyer gives you peace of mind and saves time, allowing you to focus on your health and recovery.

Reach Out Today

Responding to low settlement offers can be stressful, but the difference a fair injury settlement offer can make in your financial security and recovery cannot be understated. Deciding when to hire a personal injury lawyer hinges on whether you might benefit from the extra peace of mind a professional can offer.

If you are still unsure about how to respond to a low settlement offer, given the specifics of your case and situation, a professional personal injury attorney can help. Call Jackson & Foster to learn more about how our team can help you. Our legal team will patiently explain your rights, answer any questions you might have about the legal process, and walk you through the steps should you decide to move forward.

Contact us for an evaluation of your case today.